
Content structure:  Katarina Hergold Germ, Andreja Hribernik

Texts: Núria Solé Bardalet, Oriol Fontdevila, Katarina Hergold Germ, Andreja Hribernik, Marko Košan, Gordana Nikolić, Nina Popič, Tihana Puc

Editorial:   Katarina Hergold Germ

Design and css/html:  Vikida, Ana Korenini s.p.

Illustration:  ŠKART, Djordje Balmazović

Creative Programming: Slavko Glamočanin

Photos: archives of institutions, other photographers are named under individual photographs

“Discovering Art” is an educational portal where you can discover interesting facts about art and museums of art.

The online portal Discovering Art is the collaborative effort of four institutions:

Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Fundació Antoni Tàpies from Barcelona, Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška from Slovenj Gradec.

The portal is part of the European project Performing the Museum.